The virus continues to bite and I’m continuing to remain open during these lockdowns. There has still been a steady flow of people needing acupuncture, fire cupping and other therapies to treat various aliments. Lucky for me my work is seen as clinical and falls into the health care bracket meaning I can remain open.
I understand a lot of people are still isolating and a keeping themselves as safe as possible. However at the salon we remain careful, clean and covid safe. All our staff have visors and face masks. Everybody is temperature checked on entry and hands sanitized. We follow the NHS track and trace in accordance to government guidelines . All treatment couches are cleaned and sanitized after use. New towels provided for everybody (as it should be regardless of Covid19!).
Some changes have been made as a result of valuable client feedback. There have been some elderly clients wanting early morning appointments as then they are the first through the doors after the salon has had its nightly clean. I’m starting to offer early morning appointments from 8.30 for vulnerable or very concerned clients.
Please feel free to give me a ring if there is anything I might be able to help with.