I trained in Thai reflexology when I lived in Thailand many years ago. Since arriving back in the UK in 2008 I have gained many qualifications including being a KORE consultant, acupuncturist and auricular acupuncture trainer. It’s been a long learning road and sometimes I forget how wonderful my old treatments are including receiving a reflexology treatment can be. This week a colleague has practiced Thai reflex on me, and I have performed it on someone else. The difference in between western reflexology and eastern reflexology is massive. Thai reflexology uses a wooden stick to work the reflex points whereas western reflexology uses just the fingers. For the practitioner using a stick takes pressure out if the fingers and thumbs. Clients’ have described their previous western reflexology as “wishy washy” and “too gentle” and I totally agree. Having the stick really does transform the treatment into something much stronger and much more intense. We both loved it. I loved giving the treatment and she loved receiving it.
If you’d like to book in to experience a Thai reflexology treatment, then give me a ring.
Joanna +44 7853 490831