Anmo Fu is an energetic abdominal massage that helps create space between the organs, brings new oxygenated blood into the area boosting the organs and it also helps to move stagnant matter along the system.
The eastern approach to the tummy is very different from ours in that the east they recognise the importance of the abdomen. It is the area that holds all the organs, or it can directly influence the organs that it doesn’t hold (ie the heart and the lungs). The organs, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) terms are the source of our Qi, our vital life force. Please read the acupuncture page to help understand Qi.
Releasing and rebalancing the organs can have an effect on the emotions that are being held onto and its not uncommon for the client to outwardly display these which is the best thing they can do for their body.

The organs hold emotions.
Spleen – Worry
Lung – Grief
Heart – Joy
Liver – Anger
Kidneys – Fear and Fright
Stress and many other factors can have a huge impact on the digestive system. Fear and flight or grief during a traumatic time can influence the tummy. In particular the Ileocecal Valve (ICV). I know from personal experience that a sudden traumatic experience can cause the bowels to excrete explosively!
The Ileocecal valve (ICV) is the doorway between the small intestines and the large intestine. When the valve is working perfectly – all is good. If the valve gets jammed open it causes diarrhoea, if the valve gets jammed shut it causes constipation. The doctors in the west don’t recognise the importance of this valve, but eastern medicine does. The failure of this valve working properly can cause many symptoms, including lower back pain, fatigue, headaches, digestive issues and much more.
Amno Fu is quite an energetic massage that uses palpitation and vigorous movements to help remove torsions and restrictions of the bowels and move any stagnation of waste matter along. This moves blockages of foods and waste material and therefore has an impact on the rest of our body.