98% of the people that I see with fibromyalgia have got stomach problems, either IBS, digestive issues or gastritis with shoulder, neck and lower back pain. Some have got pain traveling down their legs.
I have been seeing a lady for only 1 month with weekly appointments. She has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and has stomach issues with chronic shoulder, neck and lower back pain and stiffness and fatigue.
I muscle tested her body and the results led me to her ileocecal valve (ICV), temporomandibular joint (TMJ) shoulder fail, pitch roll yaw and pelvis weakness. (ICV information see the page on Amno Fu)
Her 1st treatment consisted of acupuncture for pain management, flow of qi, energy boost, ICV release and TMJ float.
Her 2nd treatment in the musculo skeletal test showed ICV, TMJ, shoulder fail and pelvis weakness and pitch roll yaw.
Her 2nd treatment was fire cupping shoulder and lower back, tuina for spinal release, leg re-patterning, arm release ICV release and TMJ float.
3rd treatment is where I’m seeing results -their ICV passed and the TMJ passed the test. Stomach problems have also eased. Muscle tested to find dehydration, pelvis and T11/T12 subluxation.
Her treatment was fire cupping, shoulders and neck, leg re-patterning, tuina and shoulder stretch.
4th treatment. Muscle tested big improvements to her body over all. She showed slight pelvis weakness and shoulder problems.
4th treatment a relaxing massage.
After 4 visits the results have been fantastic. Her body has reacted well to the treatments given and she feels like a new person. Her stomach hasn’t been affecting her at all. Her pelvis is still sore and her shoulders still ache, but the pain levels have come down dramatically. Moving client on to twice a month visits.
Everybody has different results and everyone’s body reacts differently. It’s important to keep an open mind to the treatments that are offered.