A microsystem, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is the belief that the whole of the body is represented in a small area. The common microsystem that most people have heard of is on the foot. This system is know as reflexology. In the foot the entire body is found. A map of the foot is freely available for people to study everywhere. The image shows the head at the toe end of the foot and the pelvis at the heel end of the foot. The body has many microsystems, the common ones being the feet, hands and ear, but also uncommon ones like the abdomen, teeth, scalp and the spine.
Reflexology, Bingley
Auricular Therapy.
Auricular acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is a specialized complimentary therapy where acupuncture points on the outer ear are used to help alleviate chronic complaints. The results for pain management have been amazing. There are over 200 points on the ear, each point corresponds to a body part. The outer ear acts like a switchboard to the brain. Each acupuncture point treated will trigger off electrical impulses from the ear via the brain to the corresponding body part.
Every holistic health practitioner should know the importance of reading an ear, they can then perform a treatment which will benefit both the person’s structure and internal organs in accordance to what the ear is saying.
Korean Hand Acupuncture