Under the current restrictions the maximum time allocated for a treatment is 1 hour. We are leaving 20 minutes between clients for a room clean and to aerate as requested via government guide lines.

However, we are freezing our prices from last year as we feel we all need a bit of self care and love.
Costs will remain at £50 regardless of what treatment is given. Facial or cosmetic acupuncture is an exception due to the amount of needles used and the time it takes to insert them. Please ring for details.
If you look through the website you can see that I can perform a mixture of treatments within that hour. Auricular acupuncture with reflexology is a great allrounder and feel good treatment.
Another great mix is abdominal acupuncture with indian head massage.
Or even musculo skeletal testing with tuina massage.
If you feel that you would like to try a combination then get in touch. There is no price difference, you just pay for the hour!.
Feel free to call and have a chat with what you feel your body needs and wants. Joanna 07853 490831